« L’été 2022 avec Laura chez Atelier du Français »

10 semaines des cours de français langue étrangère pour un public anglophone

Zoom link pour tous les cours

Cours d’anglais cet été, 2022- A1

Semaine 1 : L’alphabet, les sons

Semaine 2 : Je m’appelle, j’habite, les nationalités

Semaine 3 : La description 1

A1 – Quiz #1

Semaine 4 : La description 2

Quiz #2 : La description

Semaine 5 : Jours, mois, saisons

Semaine 6 : 40 Expressions de politesse

Semaine 7 : Commander au café

Semaine 8 : Les chiffres, prix, et l’heure

Semaine 9 : Exprimes ses goûts

Semaine 10 : Une révision des 9 semaines de cours de FLE intensif au niveau débutant

Cours d’anglais cet été, 2022- A2

Semaine 1 : Se présenter

Semaine 2 : Les verbes -er avec accents

Quiz #1: Verbes -ER avec accents, nombres, la liaison

Semaine 3 : Les verbes pronominaux au présent

Quiz #2 : Les verbes pronominaux – 28 points au total

Semaine 4 – Les verbes pronominaux au passé composé

Quiz #3 – Les verbes pronominaux au passé composé – 28 points

Semaine 5 : Le passé composé avec avoir et être

Semaine 6 : Les 1er et 2ème groupes verbaux au passé composé

Semaine 7 : 30 verbes irréguliers au présent

Semaine 8 : 30 verbes irréguliers au passé composé

Semaine 9 : Les participes passés et les modaux

Semaine 10 – Une révision des 9 semaines de cours de FLE intensif du niveau élémentaire


The 100 most commonly used verbs in French

« Fête nationale 2022 », 10 juillet 2022

Bonjour tout le monde ! 

I’m writing in English so that all levels can understand. Since you are all francophones now 🙂 I thought I’d remind you about Bastille Day (the American term for La Fête Nationale Française), which occurs this coming Thursday (jeudi) le 14 juillet. 

Here are the ways you can wish someone a Happy Bastille Day en français : 
Bonne Fête Nationale !Joyeuse Fête ! Joyeux quatorze(14) juillet !Joyeuse fête nationale !

  1. Click here to see a live televised video by EuroNews of Bastille Day 2021, so you can see what festivities they do in the capital.
  2. Click here to listen to the French National Anthem accompanying a fireworks display in front of the Eiffel Tower.
  3. Here is the French National Anthem with both French and English subtitles. 
  4. And, here is a detailed description, on the website of the French presidency, written in French about the history and festivities of this national holiday

I can’t seem to locate any particular events happening in Brussels or Liège for le 14 juillet this year, but I did find one event that seems confirmed for my Prague-based student : https://www.prague.eu/fr/evenement/6896/marche-francais-le-marche-du-14-juillet
Additionally, here’s the program for the celebrations of Belgium’s Féte Nationale, happening in Brussels on July 21st : https://www.bruxelles.be/21juillet. 🙂 

À bientôt !
P.S. Please don’t forget to send in your quizzes asap ! 

French language – Self-study resources, 20 juillet 2022

Bonjour tout le monde,

A couple of learners in my A2 class yesterday (Wednesday) asked me for some resources for self-study in French. In this email you’ll find a couple of my personal recommendations.

In addition to my classes, I would recommend each of you purchasing 1 grammar book of your level and 1 vocabulary building book of your level. If you’d like to begin with one, I’d get a grammar book because vocabulary will be infused in the grammar text that you choose. A vocabulary book will of course contain a wide range of vocabulary words, arranged by theme, yet not necessarily contain written exercises, although it may contain sample sentences to better understand the vocabulary. And lastly, there are many classic novels rewritten specifically for French language learners at every level that would be an excellent addition to your language learning journey. 

A grammar book will consist of a good amount of writing exercises based on specific grammar points, organized in an easy-to-understand order. It would be most wise to also purchase the corresponding book which contains the corrections to the grammar exercises. These are indicated by the word, Corrigés, such as this book for B1/B2 learners of French. It is just the corrections, not the book you’d work in, but the book you’d look in to check your answers.

Working on a book like this is something you could do while on the métro, enjoying a cup of coffee, or watching a t.v. show, for example. From my experience, choosing grammar books from no earlier than around 2012 is best because older ones will most likely be presented in a layout that may not be as technologically or reader friendly as texts published more recently. This would eliminate some older books available at libraries or used bookstores, for example. But that all depends on personal preference.

My recommendations for French Grammar, Vocab, & Reading  

  1. Grammaire progressive du français, published by Clé Internationale
    1. CLE Internationale Grammaire books sold on Amazon
    2. Here’s a link to the Grammaire Progressive and other French for self-study books at FNAC in Bruxelles. 
  2. French vocabulary builder or any other of your liking
    1. I’ve never personally purchased or read through this book, but it seems like a good source for building vocabulary. 
    2. You’d be able to find a healthy selection of French vocabulary building books at your nearby FNAC or other local bookstore in Belgium, I am sure. Flip through the different ones to find one most suitable for you.
  3. Lectures en français facile
    1. CLE Internationale also offers French and other world literature rewritten in simpler French for learners of the French language. This is an excellent resource because you can absorb tons of vocabulary and grammar structures at your current level, while taking in some of the best stories ever written.
      1. The cost is around 5-8 euros per book and they have 170 to choose from here on their website. 
      2. They also offer about 50 digital versions for the same price. 
      3. Here is the link to purchase a downloadable version of a book: https://www.cle-international.com/collection/lectures-cle-en-francais-facile/ 
      4. For example, this is 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne for A1 learners
      5. This is Madame Bovary for B2 learners

If I were in Bruxelles at this moment, I would most definitely peruse the FLE (Français Langue Étrangère) section at a FNAC, which is one of the best if not the best French bookstore around. I used to frequent a FNAC weekly when I lived in Paris (and I make it a point to visit one of their stores when I visit Paris) to find fun books, teaching materials, puzzles, holiday/greeting cards, etc. There should be a large selection of Clé Internationale books there and other FLE books for self-study made by other publishing companies. 

The key is to choose your level among the 6 that there are: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, or C2. This indication is usually marked at the top of the book. All phrasing is presented for adults in grammar structures appropriate for your level, and the vocabulary present in the pages is also designed to help you move forward towards the fluency level. Once you learn new structures and vocabulary, please incorporate the new language into your life personally. When you learn something new, figure out in which circumstances you would utilise this new language,

If you have any other questions regarding self-teaching resources, please let me know.



Cours d’anglais cet été, 2022- B1

Semaine 1 : La francophonie en Belgique

Semaine 2 : Dialogue au travail

Complétez ce dialogue un apprenant à la fois

Semaine 3 : Cours de conversation, Le bonheur

B1 – Devoir #1 : Le bonheur

Semaine 4 : Cours de conversation : sujet libre

Quiz #1 – Vocabulaire à partir de notre conversation, 21 juillet ’22

Semaine 5 – Voir le Devoir #1 en classe. Apprenants absents. Cours annulé indéfiniment

Cours d’anglais cet été, 2022- B2

Semaine 1 : Cours de conversation : sujet libre

Semaine 2 : Vocabulaire : le travail, la recherche d’un emploi + exercice #1

Semaine 3 : Apprenante absente

Semaine 4 : Le travail, l’économie continue

Quiz #1 – Vocabulaire : le travail, l’économie

Semaine 5 : Apprenante absente. Cours annulé indéfiniment